Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blue Lagoon Tutorial: Color-block Eye Look with Nude Lips

I got a request recently for looks to wear with nude lips.  One fun option is to wear a colorful eye look with it, because you can get away with a lot more colors on the eyes than you would if you were wearing a stronger lip color.
I'm placing 3 strong colors side by side (coppery-bronze, a golden-aqua, and a vibrant purple). 

You will need:
  • A navy base - I used an old Sasatinnie blue gel liner, but any metallic pencil would work.
  • A bronze/tan shadow - I blended a whole bunch of peachy tan browns from the 88 Warm palette but you can just use any brown soft tan shade you have.
  • A medium blue-green shimmer - I used Lakeshore by Coastal Scents, which reflects gold. You don't have to use a duochrome like I did. A nice strong aqua or teal would work just fine.
  • A strong, bright grape - I used a Coastal Scents hot pot again, in Amethyst.
Read on for the tutorial!


Step 1: First apply the navy base to the outer 1/3 of the lid, staying below the socket line, and then gently smudge out the edges so there is no obvious line.
Run along the outer half of the lower lash line as well.

Step 2: Using a soft brush, run an orange-y tan shade along the crease in a thick, soft swatch, blending and fading outwards. Leave the mobile lid alone.


Step 3: On the mobile lid, apply your rich aqua-blue shade, going from inner corner out. The dark blue base from before will make it much more intense and rich. Leave just the outermost corner of the navy blue base alone because you want the color to stay dark there.

Step 4: Along the lower lash line, apply the bright purple color, going from outer corner in so it's strongest at the outer ends and softens as you move inwards.
The navy blue that you applied earlier will also make the color more indigo towards the outer half and more of a true purple as you move inwards.
Step 5: Curl lashes and apply mascara.

I applied bronzer (MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Comfort) along the cheeksbones (not UNDER the cheekbones; that's way too low) for a warm coppery glow. Then I added just the barest touch of a hot pink (NYX Pinky) just to the peaks of the cheeks for a bit more warmth.
The pink should not be obvious, but just stops the whole look from going too sallow and orange, since you'll be wearing a nude lipstick with bronze cheeks.

I slicked on a sheer beige lipstick from Sephora (G20) to mute my lip color and get that soft creamy nude without things going into concealer-lip territory.


  1. Great tutorial and beautiful look! Love the colors. ♥

    1. Thanks Constanze! Hope you have a great weekend!

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